This is Busty Heart. She is in the Guinness Book of World Records for her knockers, and is the current owner of Busty's. This is an infamous strip club in the middle of nowhere Pennsylvania, and this last weekend my friends and I decided that it was finally time to make the journey. Note: She doesn't look like that anymore.
It was really a spur of the moment trip. Literally someone said we should go and we left. It was a bumpy ride (especially when someone vomited straight whiskey out the window) but nevertheless we made it there. I wasn't unbelievably surprised when we arrived at the place. It was basically a doublewide trailer that had a neon sign on it. Things went down hill pretty quickly. The bouncer denied half of us at the door, only because we were too intoxicated. But I was one of the few who was allowed to enter this pristine establishment. And low and behold, the interior was basically someone's home with a make-shift bar (that only served soda), and a home made runway with a single pole in the center. On the upside, it was BYOB! So we quickly purchased some much needed cheap brew.
It didn't take me long to realize that there were dogs and cats openly roaming inside the trailer. Then comes the girls. Most of them were pretty gross. Like C-section scars, messed up teeth, and scary privates kinda gross. Overall they were very friendly. So the night started off with the younger girls dancing, who were probably still in high school. Then as we got drunker, the more mature hags began shoving their asses into our faces. They refused to take the money from my hands unless it was with their tits, despite me not wanting to touch them. The girls even invited us on stage to dance with them and try out the pole. I didn't want to, but they made me... One of them kept smiling at me really creepily, which made me uncomfortable since the dog in the corner probably had better hygiene then her. Then came the main event.
Busty was going to perform for us and all the other girls went away. I was so happy when the older ones were gone. We were forced to watch a tape of Busty's television appearances, that mostly involved her crushing beer cans and melons with her breasts. Then out of nowhere, she appeared and crushed a can right out of my friend's hand. I didn't even know what the hell was going on, before I was smacked in the face with two sacks of lifeless flesh. It was like being punched in the face. No joke, it actually hurt. She then put her fun bags over my shoulders and engulfed my entire torso. After she did this to me, she proceeded with this routine with the rest of my frightened entourage. She then said we could take three pictures with her for three minutes, which only two of us partook in.
This woman was not young. Her nipples looked dead. I am amazed to this very moment that she is still able to walk with those things. To top it all off, she smashed perfectly good beers out of our hands. So, when we ran out of beer, I felt this was an opportune time to leave. Before we walked out, the girls gave us bumper stickers that say "I Saw Snappers at Busty Heart's". If "snappers" is some sort of euphemism for scary looking vaginas, then I completely agree with that statement. After this experience, I did some research and found out that there are some package deals where you can spend a night in a hot tub with Busty or a payed time limit in a dirty bed with the girls. Not only that, but her place is for sale. This can be seen on her very well designed website:
http://www.bustyheart.com/index2.ivnu. So if your interested in buying, let me tell you that this establishment is a winner. While on the website, feel free to check out a clusterfuck of her videos. Like this one of her hanging out with David Hasselhoff:
Find more videos like this on HoffSpaceShe's apparently a hit in Germany.