Rules I came up with while drinking.
1. Be a dumbass. Do things that you know are stupid, because even if the outcome is bad it will always just be one more story. (and thats all you have in the end)
2. If you think your the man, then you are the man. This is one of the few truths in life that I know, but like all things moderation is key. Too much over confidence can come off as being dickish/bitchy.
3. Fuck up. Life is just a series of trials and errors. And pretty much most of the time, you will get over the really bad shit you've done. Try everything at least once (except heroin), because how else do you learn what is good and what is not good.
4. Go out. There will always be time to catch up on sleep, but there won't be for having fun.
5. Wake up and be epic. Don't leave your house thinking that today will be a shitty day. Sometimes the worst days can create good times. Have fun no matter what the consequences are.
6. Look at things from a future perspective. Sometimes things that seem important now are really meaningless. These things can create useless conflicts with things that will make you happier. Those are the times that actually matter.
7. Record everything. Even if people don't appreciate it at the time, those random, embarrassing moments are better saved then lost/forgotten. You will be thankful in the end.