The ALTERNATIVE is evolving!!!
Hey people! Hope you are having a good summer. I have some news about The Alternative's future. The show has been great so far, and I have loved every single minute of it BUT I personally think it can be better. MUCH BETTER. so this year I am totally renovating the show. Same great music. Same funny comments and clips. but now with live interviews from your favorite bands, new ways for you to listen, better ways to get YOUR favorite bands on the show, and to talk with me while I'm on air. I want to make this show as fun for you as it is for me. That's high standard but I have hope, and you know what they say about hope... it floats ships or something. So maybe it'll make a radio show the best ever. it seems versatile.
The renovation has begun. I'm excited to introduce the new twitter for the show @UDAlternative follow it!!! I'll update you with music news, news about upcoming shows, and whatever else i can think of! its also going to be a great way to get your requests in fast.
Next Up is a new and improved facebook page for the show, because facebook has decided to close down all old groups and start a new format. And I have decided I want a new look for the page. should be up soon.
More updates to come... stay awesome and keep listening to great music.
- Hendo