Being bored sucks. Plain and simple. Especially when you know that you could be doing something that you'd enjoy, but for some reason your stuck either doing nothing or doing the same thing that has lost any form of enjoyment. Personally, I have been very bored lately. Usually its during the day when no one wants to do anything because they're sleeping or they have work. So I mope about, trying to be productive, but just end up gaining empty satisfaction from a new viral video or porn. Well no more I say. I'm making it my short term goal to never be bored again. Let's get out there world and meet new people, and do new things and whatnot. Lets wake up in the morning and have not so much an agenda but the basic idea that we are going to do something today. Whatever the first idea that pops into your head, do it! No matter how stupid it is. Because you know what. Stupid ideas turn into great stories, and thats all you have when your old and decrepit. Remember this, and go fuck boredom in the buttocks. Your-welcome.(If suicide or murder are the first things that pop into your head in the morning, I do not advise those actions)