My apologies for not updating this blog recently. I have been really busy lately with moving into my new place (still haven't finished unpacking), school, and rugby. But now, because of yesterday's events, I can finally get back to giving dumbassia the attention that it deserves. I have some new ideas that hopefully will entertain the 3 or 4 of you people who actually follow this blog, but first let me explain what happened to me yesterday. Ok so it was my rugby team's first league match of the season, and for those of you who don't know, rugby is a sport that has a lot of physical contact and no protective gear whatsoever. So i played for a good portion of the game, and made a couple good hits. What I really wanted though was to score points. With five minutes left in the game, my coach asks me if I want to go back in, so of course i say yes. And I got passed a perfect pass, literally 6 feet from the try line. I juke the first defender, and run up the middle, then wham. Two big guys hit me from both sides of my body, and then both fall on top of me to make sure that I am definitely down.
I separated my shoulder, which I didn't think was that big of a deal. So while my team is dragging my broken body off the field, I keep yelling at the guys to just pop it back into place. Well the EMTs there wouldn't let anyone do it, and when I asked them to do it, they responded with "were not certified". They call an ambulance (which took forty five minutes to get there), and brought me to a hospital where they assure me someone will fix my shoulder. They wheel me into a bed next to these redneck guys, who asked me about my injury, which therefore led to me hearing about fucking every single scar they had on their bodies....(One guy did break both his collar bones, which is semi-impressive). After an hour, I get X rays taken, but I don't see the point since in my mind I figured all they need to do is pop my shoulder back into place and send me on my merry fucking way. Wrong.
They send me back to the bed, waiting for someone to just pop my shoulder in and end the pain. Well the doctor every twenty minutes would make brief visits to me and explain to me what was going on. He would say everything to me really calmly and then just leave me before I could ask any questions. Heres the gist of it.
Visit #1
Doc: Ok, so you obviously hurt your shoulder......Did anyone give you an X Ray? I'll go check on that.
Me: Ok.
Visit #2
Doc: Well from the look of things you may have fractured your collar bone ( walks quickly away before I can say anything)
Visit #3
Doc: Its seems you have a Third degree shoulder dislocation.
Me: Is that bad?
Doc: Eh it's pretty bad. Not as bad as Fourth degree. Hell your arm would be flailing all over the place. Don't even get me started about Fifth Degree.
Me: O ok. Can you pop it back in?
Doc: We can, but that would be risky......so you may need surgery.
Me.: What?!
Redneck Guy Sitting Next To Me: Dude that is some bullshit.
(Doc walks away)
At this point I was really pist off, since I was still in pain. No one at this hospital was really attempting to help. They kept asking me the same questions over and over again about how "on a scale of 1 to 10 how much pain are you in?" I said 10 every time! The redneck guy next to me then started telling me about his "sweet telemarketing job", which he only does for "booze and grass money". He also mentioned how if anyone gave him a hard time on the phone, he could easily track em down and show em a thing or two about being polite. This disturbed me greatly and made me feel much better about outsourcing to India.
Visit #4
Doc: Well we finally figured out what to do with you. We are going to put your arm in a sling and give you a pain killer. Then you can leave.
Me: Um ok. Are you going to fix my shoulder?
Doc: We could, but were going to have you make an appointment with a orthopedic surgeon down the road. So on Monday you can go talk to him. Here is your pill. Have a good day champ.
I spent four hours at that hospital, lying in pain, and listening to the tales of a redneck. Not only was almost absolutely nothing done for me at this hospital, but at this very moment, almost twenty four hours later, my shoulder is still popped out. So because of this I'll probably have a lot more free time on my hands, and therefore will be able to rant to you (the viewer of this blog) about about other dumb things in my life. So enjoy.