Monica Montage
I know we have a lot of footage of the guys doing stupid shit, but I thought it was finally time for me to present some of one of our founding female member's contributions to dumbassia. You knew this was coming...
Monica Montage from Dumbassia on Vimeo.
"The Alternative" Tonight
Tonight on WVUD2 (The Basement).
H.C. will be broadcasting his first November show.
In his words:
tonight will be the greatest November radio show I have ever had. I guarantee it! If you have any requests post them on my facebook. starts tonight at 10 on the basement per usual. heres the linkkkkkkkkk
Good music, and great sound bytes.
Halloween Advice For Future Reference

1. Don't attempt to make a quick costume out of material that is easily torn off if you are wearing nothing under it.
2. Avoid girls in devil costumes.
3. Take into consideration the weather before you go out. (I unfortunately didn't)
4. Bring your own stash of booze, so that you don't have to keep paying for cups at every party.
5. Realize where you are. If there are more dudes dressed sluttier then girls, you are at the wrong party (unless your a girl I suppose).
6. If someone spreads the rumor that the halloween gin bucket has been roofied, don't panic. They are probably lying. On that same note: if you happen to notice that the halloween gin bucket has so much alcohol in it that the plastic on the inside of your cup is chipping.....well maybe you should just put your cup down and go back to beer.
7. Remember to bring extra cash, because there will be a bull shit cover charge at every single bar.
8. Avoid being on the dance floor next to dudes wearing body paint.
9. Stash some spare clothes somewhere in the event you end up almost naked in an awkward situation and you need to be clothed.
10. It is a lot easier getting into the bars underage on halloween if you have a costume that disguises your face, because you can borrow any of your friends I.D.s and they won't be able to tell who you are.
11. Chicks do not want to get with dudes who have excessive amounts of make-up on their face.
Crap Horror Movie of the Day
Sleep Away Camp
This movie.......has like everything in it. Sex, drugs, pedophile chefs, death by curling irons, trannies, killer bees........just watch it.
I especially liked this scene for the awkwardly long scream at the end of it.
This movie.......has like everything in it. Sex, drugs, pedophile chefs, death by curling irons, trannies, killer bees........just watch it.
I especially liked this scene for the awkwardly long scream at the end of it.
Bad Horror Movie Of The Day
Movie: Phantasm
Villain: The Tall Man
Best Parts In This Movie: 1. Your having sex with a hot chick then BAM she turns into the tall man, and just to add insult to injury he kills you. 2. He turns your friends into a chain gang of slave dwarves. 3. BOYYYYYY!
Villain: The Tall Man
Best Parts In This Movie: 1. Your having sex with a hot chick then BAM she turns into the tall man, and just to add insult to injury he kills you. 2. He turns your friends into a chain gang of slave dwarves. 3. BOYYYYYY!

The guys from Jackass have been my own personal inspiration for a while now. (Probably the biggest reason Dumbassia came to be). They are now coming out with their third feature length film in 3D, which I'm reminding everyone comes out this friday. I was on VBS.TV this morning and they posted a video on the making of Jackass 3D. It got me really stoked to go see it. Heres the video.
Naked Lap Fail
On Sunday night, we were playing beer pong and my team ended up getting shut out (my partner knocked over 3 cups with his shoulder). This resulted in both of us having to do a naked lap around the house. I was pretty fucked up at this point, and I could barely get my own clothes off. It was also really cold outside, so I ran as fast as I could to the back of the house. This is the basic equation. Beer+Nudity+Running - Coordination+ Concrete Back Porch= An Embarrassing Bloody Ass Cheek. When I got back inside, I was bleeding everywhere. It also didn't help that inside, there was a kid on shrooms, who kept trying to send me to the hospital. He was afraid I was going to bleed to death in my sleep. There was also no rubbing alcohol or anything to disinfect the cut, so I had to use mouth wash. I let the shrooms kid do a haggard tape job on my wound, so that it would ease his worried mind. At least I got a cool looking scar out of it.
Dumb Horror Movie Of The Day.
I'm making a list of all the really stupid horror movies I have ever seen for the month of October. Trust me when I say I have seen many.
I pulled this trailer off Vice. I don't know what they put in the water over in Japan, but it must fuck people up if they allow a movie like this to be made. I do not recommend anybody try to actually see this film. I know I won't. The working english title of this movie is Big Tits Zombie 3D....
I pulled this trailer off Vice. I don't know what they put in the water over in Japan, but it must fuck people up if they allow a movie like this to be made. I do not recommend anybody try to actually see this film. I know I won't. The working english title of this movie is Big Tits Zombie 3D....
Countdown To The Best Holiday Of The Year Begins.

And so begins the marathons of badly written horror movies, girls in slutty costumes, toilet paper, and candy corn...
(Michael, how did you get into Michael's house?)
Summers is Over.
Summer is done. Some of us are happy to see it gone. The rest of us are already depressed from the impending shitty weather. Here are some photos to help us remember the good times of Summer 10'.

Jim Beam, Metal, and Possible Neo-Nazis...

Back in August, Michael and I went to go see the Megadeth, Slayer, and Testament show at the Izod arena. He won tickets off a radio give-away and was kind enough to bring me along. I had never gone to a show with just metal bands playing before so this was a new a experience for me. So Michael picks me up and we grab a bottle of whiskey (the most metal of liquors) and go to tailgate the show in the arena's parking garage. We drank a significant amount of our bottle and some pbrs, as we enjoyed the rest of the metal community getting amped up before the show. These people go nuts before these concerts, especially when metal gods like Slayer and Megadeth are playing. The crowd was mostly old school metal heads, but there were parents who brought some youngsters to rage. Michael at one point spilt booze all over the front seat of the car, and so in a attempt to make the car smell less like whiskey, pours soda on it. This surprisingly worked.
So we made our tipsy way over to the arena, and we came across a guy trying to sell us satellite radio packages. We walked away with a pamphlet and sweet guitar shaped key chains/bottle openers. When we got inside there were not that many people sitting down, so we decided to get to know who was sitting around us. There were two guys sitting to our left. The one dude was very quiet and didn't say much to us throughout the show. The other gentleman was quite large and he would not remain quiet during the show. He was the biggest Slayer fan I had ever met. He kept showing us his tattoos, which consisted of every single slayer album cover and logo. He also had some swastika and iron crosses inked on him. That plus the fact he was a skin head, gave me and Michael the assumption that he was probably some sort of Neo-Nazi. Throughout the concert he would just shout SLAYER! at the top of his lungs (even when slayer wasn't playing). From time to time he would have enlightening conversations with us about how the other bands suck and how nobody rages as hard as slayer. We of-course nodded and agreed with everything he said.
As the show came to an end, we said goodbye to our metal friends and made it back to the car. When we walked out, there was a guy getting thrown out by several security guards. I don't know what he was yelling about, since the show was over and even if he could get back in there would be no point. I got separated from Michael at one point, but we ended up meeting at the spot where we got those sweet keychains. We debated on whether or not to do anything after the show, but as usual we concluded that we should go home. I woke up the next morning with my ear drums pulsing, no voice, my neck so sore from head banging, and a newfound love for old school metal. Here's a half-ass video I put together from that night.
Dumbassia: Slayer & Megadeth from Dumbassia on Vimeo.
See Those Woods. Don't Go There.
So this weekend was family weekend at my school, so my parents decided to make a visit. Upon fifteen minutes before their arrival, I had just started cleaning my place. This involved my roommates and I throwing most of our clothes into closets, febrezing everything, and stealing the janitor's utility vacuum. All and all I say we did a fairly okay job. Our parents were actually pretty impressed with our living arrangements. And so the imbibing of cheap alcohol began. Stories of the old college days were told. Competitions were made. There was some laughter and there was some disappointment. This was all before seven o' clock, and naturally we ran out of booze. So my father and I went to the local super chain establishment to purchase some more beer and snacks. Well the fuckers at this establishment would not allow my dad to purchase a 30 rack of beer, since I was underage and with him. Ridiculous right. For those who know my father, know he wouldn't stand for this. So he demanded to see the manager, and after a half hour of seeing five people who claimed to be managers we were finally left with "It is corporate policy". Well at least we got a free bag of chips for our efforts. And the drinking continued.
I took my parents to a local dive bar, which serves the best wings ever in my opinion. My parents enjoyed their meals, but eventually my mom became annoyed with drunk townies. So before she could say anything to them, my dad and I got her out of there. We went to another bar, where other college students and their parents had met up. I left my parents to socialize with my other friend's parents, so that we could creep away and rip the worst shots imaginable (all on their tab). You know that feeling you had when you were a kid at a grown-up party, and you and the other kids all snuck behind the bar to have a sip of beer just to know what it tasted like? I was having that feeling all night. The folks talked, and we had everything from slippery nipples to four horsemen. Good times. So as the night came to a close, the parents went back to their respective hotels and we hung around until closing. I walked back to a friends house to see what was going on there, and ended up missing the drunk bus back to my place. So I stayed there for a while, debating whether or not to take the long journey home.
Note: I am smashed at this point.
The thought of my own bed vs. piss stained couch drove me to take a quest that turned into an interesting story. It was about three in the morning when I left to go back. It was a perfect night out. The sky was clear, the moon was full, the temperature was comfortable. I got back to the west side of campus, which is the opposite side of where I live. Drunk me then decided that it must be quicker to take a "short cut" through the Allegany forest then to take the conventional path back. I have a message for drunk me. Fuck you, your an idiot. Any person with any sort of wit would not take this way because 1. it's the wilderness, 2. it leads nowhere near your apartment. And yet I went on. As I walked, I thought to myself this wasn't that bad. I looked up at the sky and viewed the picturesque scene of the full moon through the tree branches as the cool night breeze blew through them. Drunk me was kind of enjoying himself. Then everything went to shit. It had seemed drunk me was too busy looking up at the sky to notice that he had begun to stray from the only path that would lead out of the woods. Upon realizing this, things were not as cool anymore. I noticed how dark it really was and that I really had no clue where I was. Attempting to stay calm was the only thing to do, but just like out of a classic movie, something moved in the bush right next to me and scared the shitpiss out of me. I bolted so fast that I didn't care if it was going in the right direction. Then bam. I ran face first into a decently large tree. I don't know if I was actually knocked out. All I know was I came through on the ground and that my face felt like Andre the Giant stepped on it. I then hurried to stand up, in fear that I might get ticks in my hair. One of my friends had a very bad experience with ticks once, so i don't take them lightly. Fuck you ticks.
So anyway, my phone is dead (of-course), so I can't call anyone to help me if i wanted to. I keep walking in a direction that I hope leads towards the path and away from the bush monster. Finally, at dawn, i emerge from the woods. The first thing I notice is that I am literally four feet from the spot where I started my journey. Frustrated and hungover, I drag my feet down the conventional path towards my home. I look back at the woods with a new found appreciation and absolute utter hatred for the cruel mistress that is nature. I tell my parents this story the next night at the bar. My mother yells at me. My father laughs and says "I hope that doesn't happen again tonight". He buys me a beer...
Where Have I Been.

My apologies for not updating this blog recently. I have been really busy lately with moving into my new place (still haven't finished unpacking), school, and rugby. But now, because of yesterday's events, I can finally get back to giving dumbassia the attention that it deserves. I have some new ideas that hopefully will entertain the 3 or 4 of you people who actually follow this blog, but first let me explain what happened to me yesterday. Ok so it was my rugby team's first league match of the season, and for those of you who don't know, rugby is a sport that has a lot of physical contact and no protective gear whatsoever. So i played for a good portion of the game, and made a couple good hits. What I really wanted though was to score points. With five minutes left in the game, my coach asks me if I want to go back in, so of course i say yes. And I got passed a perfect pass, literally 6 feet from the try line. I juke the first defender, and run up the middle, then wham. Two big guys hit me from both sides of my body, and then both fall on top of me to make sure that I am definitely down.
I separated my shoulder, which I didn't think was that big of a deal. So while my team is dragging my broken body off the field, I keep yelling at the guys to just pop it back into place. Well the EMTs there wouldn't let anyone do it, and when I asked them to do it, they responded with "were not certified". They call an ambulance (which took forty five minutes to get there), and brought me to a hospital where they assure me someone will fix my shoulder. They wheel me into a bed next to these redneck guys, who asked me about my injury, which therefore led to me hearing about fucking every single scar they had on their bodies....(One guy did break both his collar bones, which is semi-impressive). After an hour, I get X rays taken, but I don't see the point since in my mind I figured all they need to do is pop my shoulder back into place and send me on my merry fucking way. Wrong.
They send me back to the bed, waiting for someone to just pop my shoulder in and end the pain. Well the doctor every twenty minutes would make brief visits to me and explain to me what was going on. He would say everything to me really calmly and then just leave me before I could ask any questions. Heres the gist of it.
Visit #1
Doc: Ok, so you obviously hurt your shoulder......Did anyone give you an X Ray? I'll go check on that.
Me: Ok.
Visit #2
Doc: Well from the look of things you may have fractured your collar bone ( walks quickly away before I can say anything)
Visit #3
Doc: Its seems you have a Third degree shoulder dislocation.
Me: Is that bad?
Doc: Eh it's pretty bad. Not as bad as Fourth degree. Hell your arm would be flailing all over the place. Don't even get me started about Fifth Degree.
Me: O ok. Can you pop it back in?
Doc: We can, but that would be risky......so you may need surgery.
Me.: What?!
Redneck Guy Sitting Next To Me: Dude that is some bullshit.
(Doc walks away)
At this point I was really pist off, since I was still in pain. No one at this hospital was really attempting to help. They kept asking me the same questions over and over again about how "on a scale of 1 to 10 how much pain are you in?" I said 10 every time! The redneck guy next to me then started telling me about his "sweet telemarketing job", which he only does for "booze and grass money". He also mentioned how if anyone gave him a hard time on the phone, he could easily track em down and show em a thing or two about being polite. This disturbed me greatly and made me feel much better about outsourcing to India.
Visit #4
Doc: Well we finally figured out what to do with you. We are going to put your arm in a sling and give you a pain killer. Then you can leave.
Me: Um ok. Are you going to fix my shoulder?
Doc: We could, but were going to have you make an appointment with a orthopedic surgeon down the road. So on Monday you can go talk to him. Here is your pill. Have a good day champ.
I spent four hours at that hospital, lying in pain, and listening to the tales of a redneck. Not only was almost absolutely nothing done for me at this hospital, but at this very moment, almost twenty four hours later, my shoulder is still popped out. So because of this I'll probably have a lot more free time on my hands, and therefore will be able to rant to you (the viewer of this blog) about about other dumb things in my life. So enjoy.
Michael Tribute
Michael Tribute from Dumbassia on Vimeo.
In honor of Michael's 21st Birthday, I put this video of random footage together for him. The quality is kinda shitty but I figured I hadn't put a video out in a while so I might as well do something. Happy Birthday Mike. Buy me booze.
Hangover Report #1
Hangover Report #1 from Neilio Durkin on Vimeo.
Facebook link:
Send us your ideas and we will do them.
Batteries Dying.

Rules I came up with while drinking.
1. Be a dumbass. Do things that you know are stupid, because even if the outcome is bad it will always just be one more story. (and thats all you have in the end)
2. If you think your the man, then you are the man. This is one of the few truths in life that I know, but like all things moderation is key. Too much over confidence can come off as being dickish/bitchy.
3. Fuck up. Life is just a series of trials and errors. And pretty much most of the time, you will get over the really bad shit you've done. Try everything at least once (except heroin), because how else do you learn what is good and what is not good.
4. Go out. There will always be time to catch up on sleep, but there won't be for having fun.
5. Wake up and be epic. Don't leave your house thinking that today will be a shitty day. Sometimes the worst days can create good times. Have fun no matter what the consequences are.
6. Look at things from a future perspective. Sometimes things that seem important now are really meaningless. These things can create useless conflicts with things that will make you happier. Those are the times that actually matter.
7. Record everything. Even if people don't appreciate it at the time, those random, embarrassing moments are better saved then lost/forgotten. You will be thankful in the end.
Punch #2
So we were at a sorority party and I brought up the last video. Franky pleaded with me if he could have a turn punching me. I am a firm believer the jager will make almost anything okay, so i let him film it himself. Too bad no chicks saw it.
mobile cam,
Last Night
So last night, we went to a kegger at Sean's place. I have no idea how this was brought up, but I ended up telling these girls that I could take a punch to the face no problem (as long as someone was filming). Well Bryce immediately rose to the occasion, and gave one of the girls his phone so she could film it. Before things like this happen to me, I smack myself in the face a couple times to psyche myself up. Then I look down and think about something completely irrelevant to the current events. Like "I hope I didn't leave my back door opWHAM!". Its over before you know it even happened. I feel its a good way to get over the anxiety of the anticipating punch, kick, smack or whatever. Bryce gave me a solid crack to the cheek, and hugged me afterwards. The best part about this video is the drunk girl filming, who for some reason is convinced I am from Ireland.Sorry about the lighting.
The Weekend (You Just Got ICED)
So this was weekend okay. It started with a very impromptu decision to go down the shore friday night with Michael and H.C.. So we got Bryce to buy us a couple 30 racks of PBR and Keystone and proceded to head to the jersey shore. It was my understanding that we had a house completely to ourselves for the night, and it was right on the beach. Well plans changed. First, I found out that my dad and my uncle were staying in the house directly next to us. Then it turned out that my younger brother and his two friends were also staying in the same house as us. Fucking A. So we decided to make back some of Michael's money, by selling it to the young ones. Traffic was kinda shitty on the way down. We got to the house around 6:30 p.m. and a little bit later, left to honor our most recent tradition. Find the nearest arcade and play BIG BUCK HUNTER. Michael has yet to get the elephant in the safari edition. So we grabbed some expensive grub (fuck the prices of food on the boardwalk) and decided it was time to start drinking. Now H.C. expressed to us his wishes to not spend the night, because he was attending the Churchhill Cup in morning with his dad. So I attempted to convince him otherwise, while Michael was taking a dump. I cornered H.C. and attempted to steal his keys from him. This did not go as planned. I could not manage to hold him down, and our difference in height and mass did not help serve my cause. I lost. So H.C. left later in the evening to head back north (like a bitch) and Michael and I began to drink. There was no cable or music, so we were left to watch the Hit The Lights documentary for the sixth fucking time. Then my brother and his friends showed up. Now Michael is a "wannabe bro" of sorts, because he is in a fraternity and he plays the roles that life presents to him. So he is now also into the new bronomenon known as "icing". So he made my brother and his friends his targets for the night. So Michael hid Smirnoff Ices throughout the house.
The process went like this:
Victim #1: Patrick C.
Hiding Spot: The rafters above my bed.
Method: "Hey Pat, come check this out" (Michael pointing to the beverage in the rafters).
Victim's Reaction: Pleasantly surprised and accepting of the chug.
Victim #2: Patrick C. (again)
Hiding Spot: The microwave.
Method: Me saying, "Hey Pat, Can you check to see if I have any french fries left in the microwave".
Victim's Reaction: Accepting of the chug, but coming to the realization that this was going to happen to him all night.
Michael created an atmosphere of paranoia at this point, because no one knew how many Ices he had hidden.
Victim #3: Kiernan (My brother)
Hiding Spot: Behind his seat.
Method: Sat on it and realized immediately what it was.
Victim's Reaction: Resistant and immature at first, but submissive in the end. Led to events involving the theft of Michael's backpack.
Victim#4: Patrick C.
Hiding Spot: Kiernan handed it to Patrick while he was sleeping.
Method: The most unoriginal way ever.
Victim's Reaction: Groggy but drunkenly willing to accept the challenge.
The other kid ,Joe, could not drink any of the Ices, because he didn't drink often and could barely handle beer. My dad and uncle walked in a little drunk at one point. And there was this whole thing about Joe's girlfriend having a banana tattoo and my Uncle laughing and saying that he has his own "banana". I don't know. I'm just happy my dad didn't kick my ass when he found our beer. I do not know what happened to the other Ices, but I'm assuming Michael is holding on to them for a later occasion. I spent the rest of the weekend mostly working at the restaurant. I would return to my house and find the boys drinking PBR and having intellectual discussions about topics such as self-sucking and disney porn. Kiernan and Joe shared the same bed one night (their logic behind why was way too dumb to explain). They passed out spooning with each-other with bright colored vampire teeth in their mouths. I honestly don't know. And that was pretty much the weekend. O and I got bad sun burn. Yay.
The Weekend
I spent this weekend mostly working down the shore. Friday night, I got stuck working until 12:30 because one stupid fucking family refused to leave the restaurant. So I ended up staying in a motel that night, because it was pointless to drive back north that late and I also had work the next day. My room wasn't that bad. Two beds, a T.V. (which mysteriously turned itself on and off several times), fridge, bathroom, and ice. So I drank two beers that I brought down with me, and then intended fully to go to sleep right afterwards. It was a long day of work and I just wanted to lay down, and potentially pay a hooker for a full body massage. Well that didn't happen. There was a post-bachelor party going on down the hall, and they were not quiet. I went outside to see if it was worth joining in, but they were much older then me so I determined it to be lame. I was lonely in my room, but not lonely enough to get smashed with a bunch of horny, drunk 40-year olds. Then a bachelorette party from a different wedding party also showed up, and they were more gone then the guys. They were giggling and taking pictures of the other party's groom, who was already passed out. When I walked outside, the bride to be asked me if I had any weed on me. I guess I just have that persona of a person who is holding illegal narcotics. Finally they calmed down around 4a.m., and as I slipped away into a nice slumber a fire horn went off and four fire trucks sped down the street next to the motel. This woke up everyone down the hall, and so they decided to continue partying. I conked out around 5a.m.
I woke up Saturday around noon to house keeping trying to kick me out of my room. I tried explaining to them that I would leave in an hour after showering and getting my shit together. They seemed very frustrated with me, and after 10 minutes of yelling at me left. So with that done, I went back to sleep for another two hours. I eventually went to work, which went by very slowly. Most interesting part of the night was when this weird family wanted to have their pictures taken individually with me. I mean I'm an okay bus boy, but not photograph worthy. The photos are probably going to end up on some creepy porn site or blog. Anyway my friend was throwing a kegger up north, so I was trying to get out of work as early as possible. Managed to leave around 10:30, and drove up from the shore straight to the party. There was a good crowd of people. Most of them were a couple years older then me. My friend Mike was pouring shots and making some extremely strong mixed blue drinks, which pretty much did me in for the evening. That and the combination of keg stands and beer pong created a series of blackouts throughout the evening. I wish I took some pictures so that I could remember some parts. I faintly remember some 29 year old chick explaining to me that I was missing out because I would never let a girl finger my asshole. Thank god nothing crazy occurred after that conversation. There was also this really slutty chick there who I feel was hooking up with everyone at the party, and unless I'm misremembering I think her boyfriend was there too. He did not seem really to care at all when people were pouring water all over her white shirt which exposed her matching playboy bra and thong. Adam puked and passed out on the bathroom floor for a bit. When I asked him why he wouldn't get up, he responded with, "I need the cold tile floor to cool me down". He then attempted to make himself vomit, while I pissed in the shower.Overall it was a good night.
I woke up still pretty drunk around 11a.m. When trying to gather all my stuff together. I found my left sock in a cigarette astray. Probably was not sober enough to drive home but o well. As soon as I walked into my room, I passed out until 4:30. I was really surprised my parents did not wake me up to do anything. I went to church at 7p.m., because I'm a good catholic boy and I figured that maybe God could help cure this fucking awful hangover (which I still have as I'm writing this). Then H.C., Cunningham, and myself went to the movies to see the film "Splice".
All I can say is "What The Fuck". I mean I don't know if I'm disappointed or impressed. I am just so wierded out by the whole experience that I cannot form an actual opinion about this movie. (Spoiler Alert) There is actual graphic scenes of inter-species, erotic, incestuous, creepy-ass, gender changing fucking.........and rape in this movie. So I really don't know what to say about this film, I just know the disco fries I ate afterwards were delicious.

(If suicide or murder are the first things that pop into your head in the morning, I do not advise those actions)
Sleeping is dumb.
Sleeping is a waste of time. It actually really is. You will sleep 1/3 of your life away, and there is nothing you can do about it. Reasons sleep pisses me off.
1. We would be much more productive if we did not sleep. Plain and simple.
2. Society has made it so that you are suppose to sleep when you want to be awake, and your awake at fucking god awful hours of the morning when you want to sleep. (all the fun shit happens at night anyway)
3. All my friends do not get themselves out of bed until 2p.m., so that when I am awake in the morning there is nothing to do.
4. The only times i enjoy sleep is when I am actually tired and want to go to bed. (too bad thats in the middle of the day when the average person is in school or work).
All I'm saying is that we should all get together and collect as much aderol, vyvance, ect... as we can, and take it all. Then we can throw an eternal party until our brains fizzle out.
Dumb Stuff

THE BEST WEEK EVER Giants Stadium Tailgate
Thursday @ Giant Stadium
music, food, and a parking lot.
Most of the Dumbassia team will be in attendance.
Check out the event page for more details.
The lead singer is hot too. If you drink your responsibility though. Parking is like 25 bucks too.
Dumb Stuff
So last night while playing beer pong at the "club house" a.k.a. Sean's garage attic, we lost six of the seven pong balls to the crawl space never to be seen again. So, as oppose to making a replacement pong ball out of tin foil and plastic wrap (which we have done before), we decided to just play with one ball. Playing with one ball sucks, especially when your drunk. You always forget who's turn it is, and you have to make sure you do not lose that ball. Anyway, while playing this one ball pong stupidity and listening to Bizzy Bone, Sean shoots the last surviving ball and it bounces off the table heading towards the condemning crawl space. This is the stupidity that occurred:
1. Drunken me decided that it was too early to stop playing pong, and goes after the ball.
2. Drunken me then preceded to jump down to the one part of the attic that isn't wooden floor in a desperate attempt to save the ball.
3. The force of drunken me jumping down caused the sheetrock to break below me.
4. The sheetrock cracked and was hanging down into Sean's parent's garage.
5. Drunken attempts were made to fix it, but overall failed.
6. The last pong ball was still lost.
So Sean was not happy. I kinda wish I fell through the ceiling into the garage. It would have made for a much better story.
Dumb Stuff
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